Monday, December 14, 2009

Enter Clever Title Here

Hey! So sorry I've been MIA lately! Just been alternating between being busy and not being in a social mood.

Things are going well for Brian, for the most part! He's becoming more knowledgeable at work and so hopefully that will start getting better for him soon. For those who don't know, when he retrained into Supply, his shirt never sent him to tech school. So instead of learning all aspects of what "supply" entails, he was put in one job and went through on-job training. So he only knew that one job until about two weeks before he deployed. Then about a week after he got settled there, they sent him to a whole other job he hadn't done anything with. Needless to say those changes have been stressful for him, but it sounds like things should start looking up soon.

Things are going well out at John Vance. I'm working 38-39 hours/week usually, so that keeps me pretty well occupied, which is definately not a bad thing. I'm so glad that a position opened up there right before I moved so I could just work there and not have to go through job searching. It makes it so much easier and I LOVE working up there!

I've got Christmas shopping about halfway finished now. Thankfully there isn't much that might need me to go out shopping for it because stores are INSANE these days!!!

There's really not much else to say, other than everything's going well for the most part (we both have our days, but that's to be expected).

As always, if you would like Brian's email address or mailing address, just shoot me an email at Take care!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Flowers for Thanksgiving

Brian is doing well! Yay! Just been working, pretty much. Thankfully, and much to my delight, we have been able to talk everyday -- thank the lord for cell phones! We only talk on the phone for a few minutes at a time -- when he's about to head to work and when he gets off work, but we usually get to talk online for awhile, also, as well as misc emails throughout the day, so I'm SO thankful that it has been so much easier than I imagined! Granted the whole thing still sucks and I miss him more and more everyday, but it brings me comfort knowing that I can talk to him just about anytime I want or need to.

He called me Wednesday night and asked me to make sure nothing had been delivered and left on the porch. I went to look and found a box with a bouquet of flowers! I got them set up in water and had to wait 12 hours for them to bloom, so I could see what they really looked like, but they were gorgeous! It made my day (well, technically it was night, but it kinda spilled over). We set them on the table for Thanksgiving dinner. =)

That's about all the news I have from oversees, and not much is going on stateside either. My mom, sis, and I went to serve Thanksgiving dinner at the American Legion thing. Not really sure who it was geared towards, but Guthrie Job Corps was one of the groups there. It would have been a really neat and even fun thing to do, but the people who were running it were so unorganized it ruined the whole thing for me, and I couldn't wait to get out of there. I hate that I felt that way, but I tried. I did what I could, was nice and polite, but I won't do it again. Not with that group, anyway. You couldn't pay me enough to.

My mom and sis went shopping today for the whole Black Friday stuff -- boy are they INSANE! lol. I can't stand shopping most days, so the desire to wake up at the crack of dawn to go shopping while having to fight people is beyond me, haha. But to each their own, I suppose.

Not much else to report on, so I'll end this now. Anyone still interested in writing or emailing Brian, just shoot me an email at and I will get that to you. I hope you all had a great day yesterday and have a great weekend! Much love!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not-much-of-a-Brian-update Update

I've been able to talk to Brian a bit. We usually talk for a few minutes before he goes to work and after he gets off work. He'll call from the cell phone he bought over there. But we also get to chat a bit online, which is nice. I finally got my webcam set up, so hopefully we'll be able to have some nice video chats now too! I can't wait!

There isn't a whole lot to update you on. I'll hopefully be mailing out my first package this coming week. Haven't been able to yet, but I have plenty to put in it.

He did go home sick one day and was placed on quarters last week because he threw up, but after sleeping almost all day and then all night, he was feeling better and returned to work the next day.

In other news, my sister found out partway through this week that her boyfriend was suddenly returned to somewhere overseas without warning after he washed out of the program he was going to. We were under the impression that he would be going back through some training first, so this definately came as a surprise. So while you're keeping Brian in your prayers, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would also keep Shannon (my sister) and her boyfriend John, in your prayers. He's in the Marines, and we don't know where he is. But we pray for his safety and quick return daily.

One of my brothers, Tim, managed to break his collarbone yesterday. He's really quite talented. (ha) But in all seriousness, praying for a quick recovery there and some pain relief also, because I'm sure that can't feel good!

At work, a couple of families are going through a rough time. One of our service techs has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and the prognosis is not good. My mom and I are hoping to go see him and his family in the hospital tomorrow afternoon. In addition, our internet sales manager is going through his wife's battle with cancer. And a GM salesman just found out Monday that his wife has breast cancer. They found out a couple days later that it has not spread to the lymphatic system, so that is great news, but unfortunately it has grown since her last test. They talk to the surgeon on Dec 3rd to discuss possible options, and are hoping they caught it early enough. With all of this going on during the holidays, these families are in great need of prayer and thoughts of strength.

I don't have much else to say, but I hope to hear from you guys soon, and if anyone wants Brian's email or address, please do not hesitate to ask. Just email me at and let me know who you are! Thank you so much for your continuing prayers! Much love!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pease Greeters

Yesterday afternoon, I received a piece of mail from a couple who volunteers with Pease Greeters. (I'm not sure why they spell it "pease" so if anyone knows, do tell.) They gave me a cd with a copy of all of their pictures on it from when they met Brian's plane in NH. They also gave me a star cut from a formerly flown USA flag. I can't describe the emotions I felt while sorting through these pictures or holding that star. I'll post some pictures at the end of this post.

I've been able to talk to Brian a bit more since the other day, and it has helped tremendously! I feel so much better knowing we can talk and being able to!

I started work on Saturday. I'm a receptionist at John Vance Motors in Guthrie, OK. I love this job! Love the people I work with (for the most part) and it's the perfect job for me. :)

For those who missed my last post, I do have Brian's email now, so just shoot me a quick email at if you're interested in emailing him! That's about all going on right now, so I'll leave you with some pictures. (Edit: I didn't know it was putting them in backwards as I was uploading them, so really it should go from bottom to top. The picture of the couple shows you who did this for me.)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

One Week

One week ago today, I was home alone in my room after just having dropped off Brian at the airport for his deployment. His flight left at 7:10 that morning and he was off for New Jersey. This has been one of the hardest weeks I've been through in quite awhile, but I've slowly learned that I am strong enough to make it through this. It is going to be the hardest thing I've done to this point in my life, and I have no doubt that I will struggle at times, but I finally truly feel like everything is going to be okay. Don't get me wrong, I've known it would be okay, but knowing it and feeling it are different things. I'm so glad I'm experiencing how it feels now, too, because I feel better in general. I truly believe finally getting to talk to Brian is playing a huge part in this.

Speaking of talking to Brian, I finally have his email address! So if anyone wants it, be sure to email me at and I'll pass it on.

Thank you again, everyone, for your prayers!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Few Words, Big Meaning

I GOT TO TALK TO BRIAN TODAY!!! There is no way I can describe the elation I felt just from hearing his voice. I have missed him SO much and have been praying for a phone call soon, and I finally got not just one, but a couple today! I do ask that you all pray for strength for me! I was unable to hold back the tears when we spoke today because I have missed him terribly, but I don't want to make things any worse than it may be. So pray I have the strength to stay calm during our talks, as far as the crying goes at least! LOL. We didn't get to talk for very long any of the times, but just being able to hear his voice and have a quick conversation with him made this an amazing day and meant so much to me!

He still does not have the internet, so we don't have an email for him yet, but when I can, I'll get that to you all. He's hoping to be able to get it set up on his Sunday. (He's 10 1/2 hours ahead of the central time zone.)

If anyone is interested in mailing him a letter or just a quick word of encouragement, please email me at and I'll get you set up with his mailing address, because I know he'd appreciate hearing from you!

He said that the weather is actually somewhat nice for the time being, so I hope they're able to enjoy it at least somewhat before it becomes winter there! We did send him off with an electric blanket, though, so whenever it starts cooling down, at least he'll have that! I just need to try and make a run to Tinker AFB for some more long johns so he can keep warm in his uniform also.

Brian wanted me to pass on his appreciation to everyone for your support and kind words over the last few days. No words could ever express how thankful we are for that.

We love you guys, and hopefully next time I update, I'll have an email address for those interested! Thank you so much again for all of your prayers!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Your Honor

"I am a strong and loving wife, with a husband soon to go
There are times I am terrified, in ways most never know
I bite my lip and force a smile, as I watch my husband pack
My heart may break but I am proud, my husband's got your back."

A friend on Facebook posted this as one of their statuses today. And it's amazing how accurately it portrays some of the many emotions I've gone through in the last couple days as a spouse with a deployed soldier as a husband. And with today being Veterans' Day, it seemed even more fitting.

Though I've never verbalized it really, ever, I've always looked at my husband as my hero. My husband, the one who takes care of me when I'm sick. Who helps with chores. Who holds me when I'm stressed out. Who loves me more than I sometimes believe I deserve. Who is now overseas as a military member fighting for our freedom. I'm so proud of him.

Today, I want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for every single man and woman who has served in a branch of the military, past or present, whether Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Army, or any of the national guards we have who generally aren't on active duty. Every single one of you is in my prayers today and you join my husband as a hero in my eyes. So thank you. Thank you for fighting for our freedom, for our ability to live the life we choose. Because you make it possible.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Glance

Hi! I'm Candace! Quick info -- married almost 2 years to Brian who's 27 & USAF and I'm 23. =D

Chances are, if you've made it here, you are either a friend or family of Chishams in some way, form or fashion. So thanks for dropping by! This was basically made so everyone could come to one central source and get updates on Brian during his deployment. He'll be gone for 6 months and is due back sometime the beginning of May as far as we know.

At this point, we don't know much. He's due to be in Afghanistan sometime on the 11th (which is today, for him, as he's 12 hours ahead). And hopefully he'll soon be able to get set up with the internet and able to make some phone calls because I miss him immensely!

We greatly appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers during this time. I can't say enough how much it means to us that everyone is so supportive and thoughtful.

I don't have a contact email for Brian right now, but if anyone is interested, just shoot me an email at and I'll be sure to get it sent to you when I find it out. I DO have a mailing address for him and let me know if you want it, because he needs loads of encouragement from everyone and I know receiving mail from home and the people he loves would help!

I think that's about all for now, but I'll keep everyone as updated as I can over the months! We love you all and appreciate the prayers! Thank you for them!