Friday, November 27, 2009

Flowers for Thanksgiving

Brian is doing well! Yay! Just been working, pretty much. Thankfully, and much to my delight, we have been able to talk everyday -- thank the lord for cell phones! We only talk on the phone for a few minutes at a time -- when he's about to head to work and when he gets off work, but we usually get to talk online for awhile, also, as well as misc emails throughout the day, so I'm SO thankful that it has been so much easier than I imagined! Granted the whole thing still sucks and I miss him more and more everyday, but it brings me comfort knowing that I can talk to him just about anytime I want or need to.

He called me Wednesday night and asked me to make sure nothing had been delivered and left on the porch. I went to look and found a box with a bouquet of flowers! I got them set up in water and had to wait 12 hours for them to bloom, so I could see what they really looked like, but they were gorgeous! It made my day (well, technically it was night, but it kinda spilled over). We set them on the table for Thanksgiving dinner. =)

That's about all the news I have from oversees, and not much is going on stateside either. My mom, sis, and I went to serve Thanksgiving dinner at the American Legion thing. Not really sure who it was geared towards, but Guthrie Job Corps was one of the groups there. It would have been a really neat and even fun thing to do, but the people who were running it were so unorganized it ruined the whole thing for me, and I couldn't wait to get out of there. I hate that I felt that way, but I tried. I did what I could, was nice and polite, but I won't do it again. Not with that group, anyway. You couldn't pay me enough to.

My mom and sis went shopping today for the whole Black Friday stuff -- boy are they INSANE! lol. I can't stand shopping most days, so the desire to wake up at the crack of dawn to go shopping while having to fight people is beyond me, haha. But to each their own, I suppose.

Not much else to report on, so I'll end this now. Anyone still interested in writing or emailing Brian, just shoot me an email at and I will get that to you. I hope you all had a great day yesterday and have a great weekend! Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Being sent flowers is always cool, but being sent flowers from overseas is ahmaazing! Lucky you!
